24 November 2010

Day 51

Well, my project has been completed and emailed. I can truly enjoy my Thanksgiving break now!

Overall, I enjoyed this project immensely. I was reluctant at first to do this much work, but I'm glad I got up off my butt and persevered. I can't think of the last project I did that was this much fun! I hope I have more classes in the future that allows us to be this free thinking.

23 November 2010

Day 50


It's time to do the happy dance, I'm done with all of my covers! I'm cutting it a bit closer than I'd hoped for, but I was distracted by a huge microeconomics test yesterday and the fact that I drove three hours to come home this afternoon. Nevertheless, the covers are finished and put into a PowerPoint, all I need to do is add a small blurb to a few of them.

This particular cover took A LOT of time, much more than I think was necessary.
I think I'd made four different ones before settling on the most simplistic (and easiest) one. 

Off to go work some more..

21 November 2010

Day 48

Do you have any idea how many fonts there are? My brain is exploding from all the possibilities and choices.

A tiny bit of the madness.
I find that thinking up and designing the covers are the simplest part of the whole ordeal; what is taking me the longest is picking a font and placement for the title and author. I've spent 20 minutes contemplating a font for Water for Elephants. Not exactly the most time-efficient way to work.

I've worked all day on Project 1 and I am definitely not finished for the day.

15 November 2010

Day 42

I realized that I am subconsciously being influenced by minimalist movie posters, like these:

(I even had an idea like that for the Fight Club book!)

I'm a simplistic kind of person. Excepting Young Adult books, I don't like loud, cluttered covers. Almost all the covers I've created so far resemble these posters in some way. I'm trying to pull out a key theme from the book and express it graphically. 

Anyways, except for a quick trip to Starbucks, I've been working on this project all day (along with Project 2). Admittedly, I've hit a speed bump. I'm not feeling too inspired anymore and have been mainly just messing with colors and graphics. Meh. 

14 November 2010

Day 41

I've made up for the past month this afternoon. I haven't done anything else today except work on this project. I watched Emma, called my parents, and ate all while doing covers.

I completed 5 new covers and finished/tweaked 2 ones in progress. Let's see...if I had to pick a favorite from today's work, it'd probably be this one:

I found the picture somewhere online, edited it to make the background darker and the bottle glow more, and added the fairy thing in the corner. Took longer than I'd anticipated, but I'm pretty pleased with it.

I also set up and began to put together the Powerpoints that all the covers will be presented in.

13 November 2010

Day 40

OK, I'm a total slacker. :(

I've spent my Saturday night browsing Photoshop brushes, textures, and patterns for future covers. I've also written a few lists of book ideas.

Tomorrow will be a 100% work day. Promise.